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"Todos elogiam o sonho, que é o descansar da vida. Mas é o contrário, Doutor. A gente precisa do viver para descansar dos sonhos"


"Todos elogiam o sonho, que é o descansar da vida. Mas é o contrário, Doutor. A gente precisa do viver para descansar dos sonhos"


Anathema, 29.09.18


Life For Rent

Anathema, 29.09.18



Anathema, 29.09.18


Love comes to those who believe it

And that's the way it is


Anathema, 29.09.18

 All that we are, that we need
They're different things


Anathema, 29.09.18


Excuse me, guess I've mistaken you for somebody else

Somebody who gave a damn

Somebody more like myself


Anathema, 28.09.18


Rain will fall again on your smooth pavement, a light rain like a breath or a step. The breeze and the dawn will flourish again when you return, as if beneath your step. Between flowers and sills the cats will know.

Once Upon A Time In Paris

Anathema, 28.09.18



Anathema, 28.09.18



Anathema, 27.09.18



Anathema, 22.09.18


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